Health Services

Health Contacts
Hilary Shemak RN - District Nurse -
608-924-4711 ext. 1240 or 608-341-5108
Welcome to Barneveld Schools! Hilary Shemak RN, the District Nurse, oversees the health of all students from the Early Childhood Program to the Seniors in high school.
The Barneveld School District has many personnel certified in First Aid and CPR-trained.
Medication to be given at school:
At times, a student may need to take over-the-counter (OTC) medications during school, such as Tylenol, ibuprofen, or antihistamines. Before medications can be given at school, you must fill out and sign the Authorization to Administer Medication form (below) and provide the medication in its original container. Any medications needed at school must be checked with the District Nurse and stored in the health office. Please note that the District Nurse must follow the recommended therapeutic dosing schedule provided by the manufacturer.
If your student will be taking a prescription medication or OTC medication that is dosed outside the manufacturer's therapeutic recommendations, the form must be signed by the prescribing physician and the parent. When a physician's signature is needed, you can ask your clinic to fax this form to the District Nurse at 608-924-1646.
Illness Policy
Aligns with CDC's Core Prevention Strategies: Students/staff may return to school/work after 24 hours fever free AND symptoms improving. It is recommended to wear a mask around others for an additional 5 days once returned to school/work.
Unlike early in the pandemic when COVID-19 was nearly the only respiratory virus causing illness, it is now one of many, including influenza, RSV, adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, enteroviruses, human metapneumovirus, parainfluenza virus, and other common human coronaviruses. CDC is focusing guidance on the core measures that provide the most protection across respiratory viruses. The updated guidance emphasizes the importance of staying home and away from others when sick from respiratory viruses, regardless of the virus, as well as additional preventive actions.
For more information on what you can do and how to prevent the spread of viruses, visit the CDC webpage linked below.
Wisconsin school Immunization Record information
Wisconsin Immunization Program — 608-267-9959
To protect students and children from diseases preventable by immunization, Wisconsin law requires all students to show that they have received the required immunizations or have a signed waiver.
Physical Forms